best'' way to make coffee at home reddit

I've also been looking at Chemex, but I've read that it filters out some stuff in the coffee and can detract from the flavor as opposed to a french press. The pour over method of brewing coffee is one of the best ways to make coffee part of your morning ritual - assuming you’ve got a couple of extra minutes on your hands. It's the quickest, easiest, and most consistently good coffee you can make at home, I think. Too bitter (to me) unless enough sugar and cream is added to render it not coffee any longer. I also think it's more attractive than other devices. Hopefully this doesn't sound too silly, currently use a Moka Pot but I'm finding it awfully hard to get a good cup. Make sure that coffee is stored in an air-tight room-temperature container, and use an at-home grinder. But if coffee really is the best part of waking up, then we'd better make sure we know all the tricks to making the best cup of miracle brew ever. A good cup can keep you energized, alert, and positive all morning, while a bad (expensive) cup can make you as grouchy as Garfield on a Monday. Skimping on the grinder. Definitely an unconventional way to make coffee, but one of the most flexible. Close. The Baratza Encore is a fine starting grinder and makes a good present. If that's the case, does that change your suggestion, or do you still recommend an aeropress? You want an even grind that's appropriate for your brew method to get a balanced and full-feeling cup, and you can only guarantee an even-ish grind with a burr grinder. Put it in a big bucket or pitcher. It lets more oils through and produces a more flavorful cup with more body. Not only will it drive away your sleep-induced lethargy but also make you more alert and generally awake, but in some cases, coffee can make you sleepy.While it’s true, black coffee is quite bitter and therefore an acquired taste, it is also true that the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee is a treat unto itself. Favourite is Chemex. I've never ordered from them but I've seen a lot of people on here say really good things about S&W Craft Roasting. Coffee Machine Automatic Espresso. Are they more expensive? Can I use the same coffee ground I do for that in a press? You can also take a look at the brewing recipes from Heart, Stumptown, and Blue Bottle. A good cup of coffee is one of life's essential pleasures. Brewer — I highly recommend the AeroPress for your first brewer. I just like to talk about coffee. As a first setup I'd recommend a grinder + aeropress. Do you ever have to change the filter? We’ve covered coffee makers since 2015, and we think our top-pick drip coffee maker offers the best combination of convenient features and delicious coffee. It looks cool and tastes great. In the last 3 or 4 months I've been trying to appreciate more coffee and improve my brewing at home, this has make me watch many videos of the matter (James Hoffman mainly). It's the method with the least clarity, so not the best way to taste nuanced flavors. A long time Chemex guy, I recently moved to a Clever Coffee Dripper since I usually just want a single cup at a time. The Aeropress championship recipes don't seem as generalizable/reproducible without the right equipment, but they're fun to try out. For Starters, Always Use Freshly Ground Coffee. Or tasted coffee from one. You can increase extraction by decreasing grind size (grinding finer), brewing longer, agitating (e.g. I (really) love coffee, so I'm always testing new ways to make the best home-brewed cup of coffee. The Hario Slim/Skerton will get the job done, but in addition to being a lot of work, they won't be very consistent; the Encore represents much better value, and the Lido is the best grinder you can get under $500. We tested five of the most popular — from a drip machine, to pourover, to French press and more — to determine which yields the best cup for the least effort. No need for a scale or kettle just yet if you're on a budget. There are a few techniques that can immediately improve the quality of your coffee… I just like to talk about coffee. It offers a variety of brew methods with complete control over all the variables, so you'll learn a ton about coffee. Long steeps in the french press untill grounds sink by themselves. I want to share with you 4 methods that produce amazingly different coffee and 1 method you should, almost, never use! Follow these 8 steps to make better coffee than you ever imagined. I prefer it to the Kaffeologie S filter, which has a greater tendency to warp. Definitely use the inverted method: it's more convenient and less messy than trying to insert the plunger, and you get 100% yield. I've never heard of a hario woodneck, but I looked it up and it looks really neat. Because Im not a big fan, I dont have a coffee maker of any sort in my kitchen. Pour the coffee ground in, add water at appropriate temperature, steep for 4-5 munities, and push the plunger down. Manual grinders are burr grinders, but so are the high-end electric grinders. I've settled on the aeropress and will look into those grinders, I'm not going to ask them for one over $50 but I'm sure that won't be too big of an issue since I'll only need a fine grind. 52. I too started with dark roasts but have moved towards the lighter end of the spectrum now as I prefer the lighter and more subtle flavors these roasts bring out. Just bought one. I'd admit that americanos, or any espresso drink for that matter, are the cleanest cups, and have a not unpleasant, but not ideal texture to them. However, since the coffee doesn’t pass through a paper filter, more of the coffee’s oils will make it into your cup—you’ll actually be able to see them floating on top. Up to a certain price, it's the most important piece of equipment. Two Christmases ago, I recieved a Gaggia Baby Classic espresso machine, which is far better than a broke ass college age kid deserves. French press and a hand grinder. You don't have to go far for the best tasting coffee— these are the best coffee bean brands that you can buy including La Colombe, Peet's, Lavazza, Death Wish, and Folger's. Grinder — By far the most important piece of equipment. I'm going to assume you meant 'french press', but why so? Take a look at the Coffee Compass for troubleshooting. It may require some tuning to find the sweet spot between between flavor and bitterness. If your coffee is too weak/strong, try a different coffee:water ratio. I've been thinking about a french press and a hand grinder because I heard their better than electric ones, but I don't really know why, something about coarseness. It's the twenty-dollar electrics you want to avoid. I'd recommend trying it out to give yourself a good idea of what quality beans from different regions of the world taste like. Fill with water and let sit 24 hours. Most people who do French press don't have the proper grinder for it, resulting in muddy, bitter brews. I think the aeropress is in pretty much every way better than a breach press. Here's the standard Aeropress recipe that works for most things. It's really fun to experiment with but there is a fairly large learning curve. How to make great coffee at home You don't need a fancy espresso machine to make a great cup of coffee at home – just a cafetiere and some freshly ground beans A cafetiere – essential kit. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It does the job, but I want to upgrade some higher quality stuff. It's practically a giant syringe/plunger with a filter on the end, so you immerse the grounds in hot water for a while then plunge them through the filter. Best way to brew coffee at home…I’ve tried them all. Personally, I love americanos. I love the Woodneck. I'm asking for a coffee setup as a birthday gift, I've always just used an automatic drip coffee maker and an electric grinder. There's something simple and pure about not necessarily even needing electricity to make good coffee. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But which is the best? Also, you can buy the caramel syrup you like from Starbucks if … Also, I much prefer a dark roast and drink it black, so I was thinking about asking for some decent beans if you have any suggestions. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. It's analogous to a well-done (overdone) piece of steak. Im not a coffee drinker in any way. Absolutely do not get a generic Chinese knockoff, it will be terrible and break. There are dozens of different ways out there to make coffee, from the simple to the extremely complex. According to the National Coffee Association, 86% of Americans brew their own coffee at home. It is a full immersion brewing device with a metal mesh filter. It's freakin amazing. Also... don't forget a scale that measures in grams. Again, thanks for taking the time to write this all out for me! Here is your recipe. Steep for 1.5-2 minutes. Personally, I love americanos. When I make regular brewed coffee, I have a harder time detecting subtle flavors, and often drink the whole cup just enjoying it, but not really thinking about it. Whirly-blade grinders are not very consistent, but I've found that using a conical burr mill, or even just burr grinder is key to great coffee. If it's a birthday present, my strong advice is to ask for a grinder. That means if you're a coffee connoisseur, you'll need to find one of the best coffee machines to help you perfect your morning brew at home. I don't really know what flavor profiles I like as I've ever only tried a handful of roasts. Don't worry so much about brew method - automatic drip makers will still make a good cup if your grinder is good, and the Encore is as good in the price range as you can get. So, just for starters, you misunderstood the grinder problem. I've also only ever used cold brew and a coffeemaker otherwise. I don’t know why they do it that way, they just do.” Carmichael offered an even more colorful analogy as to why precise measurements matter. Its a simple ritual, but can be very social :). But they do look dope. For entry-level grinders: Skerton/Slim ($30) ≈ Porlex ($50) <<<<< Encore ($130) <<< Virtuoso ($230) < Lido ($180). French Press is one of the best yet easiest ways to brew a cup of perfect coffee. I'd say check out a local roaster if there is one as you can ask questions and they will suggest beans based on your brewing technique and preferred taste. All one needs is a way to boil water. Relative to the overall grind setting, ff you have too many small particles, you'll get a nasty bitter cup. For me. expensive grinder). I got the part I was missing for this past Christmas, plus pounds of coffee. The aeropress is much more forgiving than a pourver such as the chemex and thus makes a good first venture into brewing, and still makes a damn good mug of coffee! Wet the filter. I just recieved the dripper today, and ended up making the best damn coffee I ever tasted. There are a plethora of roasters that ship all across the country, off the top of my head there is Counter Culture, Blue Bottle, Stumptown, and Happy Mug but the list goes on! Aeropress for me. I'd start with light-medium roasts from South America (e.g. For all the yammering us frugal types do about how much you can save making coffee at home, we don't say much about how to make it. You don't need a coffee or espresso machine to make a perfect cup of coffee at home. not heavily dependent on equipment), and easy to clean. A simple and easy way to dramatically improve the taste of your office coffee is by using freshly ground coffee. Also, I do agree that aeropress is probably a better choice than a french press even though I prefer chemex for most coffees. 1. Currently a hario slim grinder and a chemex. Slowly pouring the water and watching the grounds bloom - it can make your first cup of the day quite the Zen-like experience! Feeling bad about adding cream/sugar. Are the filters cheaper? Invest in good (and the correct) equipment. Read on to discover 10 easy tips for brewing exceptional coffee at the office – tips that anyone can easily do. This coffee machine automatic espresso is perfect o home or office use. Then I lost the little plastic flow director part that sits in the portafilter, and couldn't be bothered to order another. The truth of the matter is that you will probably never get as good a cup of coffee at home as you can at the best coffee shop—even with the same beans—and here's why. Would you say a gooseneck kettle is required for this brewer to get an even extraction? Best/Quickest Way to Make a GOOD cup of Coffee. To make a French Press, you need coarse ground coffee. I personally love brewing with my chemex. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Colombia), as they'd probably taste the most familiar, then branch out from there. Two Christmases ago, I recieved a Gaggia Baby Classic espresso machine, which is far better than a broke ass college age kid deserves. I know next to nothing about coffee so I would love some tips. Really nice when using quality light roasted coffees, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Keep tinkering with all the variables (inverted vs non-inverted, grind size, water temperature, water:grounds ratio, blooming with a small amount of water first, steep time, stirrs and turbulent wiggles, press pressure, etc). This old-school style brewer will get you a strong cup of coffee, but it won't be the best use of your beans. They just do such a good job of separating the flavors of the coffee when it's made. The scale made the biggest difference. Anyhow, I would love to hear your input. I don't mind learning a complex brewing method fast if that's what your worried about, I'll gladly suffer complexity over quality. I use a hario ceramic burr hand grinder and a french press. You're tasting more of the roasting process than the natural flavors. Basically put (ground) coffee in a cheesecloth. Supermarket coffee may be convenient, but the quality is generally pretty low, and there is no way of knowing when it was roasted. Plus, the only waste product is pretty environmentally-friendly. The "floating" quality of the filter (not being restrained by glass) allows the water to more evenly extract the coffee and can produce a really bright cup with a surprising amount of body for a filter method. There are a lot of factors that go into making a cup with a Chemex and it can be pretty tricky to get used to, but that's why I enjoy it so much. Wow, a lot of great advice! I highly recommend the Able disk fine metal filter. If I were to recommend a starting place, I would go with a Chemex, BonaVita Gooseneck kettle, and either a Baratza Encore or a Lido grinder (if you can afford paying $50 more than an Encore). You can add a couple stirs here if you want. You can try different filters if you are worried about the chemex filters. Beans — You want fresh roasted single origin. I find myself often either staying up to late because I can't get a sleep at night or just plain being tired in the morning and having to result to buying coffee from Dunkin Donuts or McDonald's. From bean-grinding to different coffee-making equipment, there are many finer points to consider. Then place the lid (containing the pre-wetted filter or metal filter), push to remove the air at the top, invert quickly/smoothly over a mug, and press slowly and firmly over 30-45s. A manual grinder is not going to be better by virtue of its manualness. I've never had a vacuum maker. Take a look at the Coffee Compass. I'll check these out and consider looking into different roasts. Thanks! I drank it straight black. I realized I wasnt using enough coffee, 2 scoops per cup measurements wasnt working. stirring), or increasing water temperature., Throw away your $40.00 drip style coffee maker and percolator from the 1970’s – both machines get water temperature wrong as well as the correct time that water and ground coffee should sit together. We worked hard to make … Makes sense, does coarseness have anything to do with flavor? From using a scale to precisely measuring your coffee beans to brewing coffee with filtered water, the Medranos had a lot to teach us about what goes into making the perfect cup of coffee. I know this is sort of a basic question, but I don't have a ton of other coffee enthusiast friends to discuss coffee with at a higher level of articulation. It doesn't extract much of the flavors that make specialty coffee taste good. You dont need a fancy espresso machine to make a great cup of coffee at home - just a cafetiere and some freshly ground beans.Many millions of words have been spilt on the subject of the perfect cup of coffee, the vast proportion confusing or downright. And as to the electric vs manual grinders: typically hand grinders are less expensive than electric grinders of the same quality as they have fewer moving parts. It's also reusable and saves money in the long run. Buy whole bean coffee /r/ Coffee is a place to discuss any and all things coffee. Medium or light roast seems like i can taste the coffee better than dark roast, which tastes more burnt and less rounded. If you do want cold coffee, it's better to brew hot and then cool rapidly (cold crashing). Can you describe how it tastes different than another brew? If you're overextracting/bitter, you can try a coarser grind, cooler water, less steep time, or less pressure (change one variable at a time to see how it impacts the brew). I like my vacuum coffee maker. Homemade coffee tastes way better than anything out of a drive-thru. The reason I'd suggest against a french press is that the typical grinder struggles to produce a consistent coarse grind that is needed for a french press. Sitting in my apt waiting for me. It offers dual cup drips and gives up an automatic functioning. TLDR; Clever Dripper + Scale = Easiest way to make best coffee Here are 12 great methods. I've heard they're hell to clean. Follow these steps to make your own gourmet coffee at home: 1. Coffee -- it can prevent disease, help our livers, make us more intelligent AND and most importantly --enable us to talk to other human beings in the morning after getting out of bed. I like to split a french press with a friend. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. /r/ Coffee is a place to discuss any and all things coffee. Mariya Gordeeva / EyeEmGetty Images What it is: The French press is one of the most classic and easiest ways to make coffee, brewing by soaking … A steaming hot mug of coffee is the perfect way to start your morning. Lazy, I know. Try one variable at a time; I recommend varying grind size and keeping everything else constant first. Cold brew. I get the scientific rationale for it, but want to get opinions on flavors. Enjoy your coffee! The problem with most percolators is that you can end up accidentally boiling the coffee -- a sure way to get a bitter cup. etc. They have a 4 bean sampler pack that is very reasonably priced. Your morning cup of coffee is no joke. If you have too many big particles, you'll have a weak and sour cup. French press. It's also demands a very consistent grind (i.e. Dialing in your brew — Here's the fun part. I pay attention to the taste of americanos a whole lot more, which very well may be just out of habit. For many people, coffee is a bit of an acquired taste. Especially when you're making your first several brews, a bit of cream/sugar can help balance the cup. Dark roasts. It's the only method which allows me to extract the flavors I get from espresso, but in a crystal-clean cup. I like the simplicity and the brew is great. Use one scoop (~16g) medium-fine grounds. I like peruvian and African beans a lot. But I'd always order americanos when I went to cafes, and still do. I might do the same, as I have a larger chemex than I usually drink at one time. Press J to jump to the feed. If you do have the funds (and are interested in pourover), the Bonavita variable temperature gooseneck kettle ($64) is the gold standard — it allows you to choose the water temperature you desire and keeps it there for up to an hour, and the gooseneck offers an extremely precise pour. I am not a coffee snob but I do appreciate a good mug full of rich coffee; it taste like morning to me. Invert the press (pull out the plunger most of the way and turn it upside-down). I know this is sort of a basic question, but I don't have a ton of other coffee enthusiast friends to discuss coffee with at a higher level of articulation. You might nail a killer cup and try to replicate it might turn out tasting burnt, under-extracted. We wanted to learn how to make high-quality coffee shop coffee at home. You can use this as a starting point, then adjust the variables to your liking. Shots for dayzzzz. Stovetop espresso - not the ideal way to make espresso but the most common way to consume coffee outside of a bar or cafe. But I'm still trying to understand something: everyone says to have a good coffee I need to buy specialty coffee, but I don't quite understand what specialty coffee is. Add ~250mL of water (190-200 degrees, or if you lack a thermometer, just use boiling water), and stir a few times with the paddle until grounds are saturated. 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