Fairy houses

Check out the adorable little 5 inch fairy houses with a tiny 2 1/2 inch fairy. Each house is fully decorated with a white picket fence, flowers and shrubs. The roof has leaf shingles! Of course. What else would fairies use to roof their little houses. Perfect for spring, the house and fairy come in yellow, orange, blue, purple and pink.

#fairyhouse, #fairygarden, #fairies

Beautiful wooden horses and unicorns

Check our these horses and unicorns! They have a Scandinavian look and are just the right size for my little fairies and pixies to ride. They are for sale at my shop. Limited supply.

Large and small fairies riding the unicorns
Black and white unicorns and horses

Each horse or unicorn is decorated with sparkles on the mane, leather reins, and a rope tail. They each have a beautiful embroidered ribbon saddle. Solid wood horses are both sturdy and pretty.

Winter Doldrums

Winter is a time to restock, rest, and invent new projects. I’ve been working on revamping my Etsy store with new pictures of all the fairies, puppets and various toys I make. Of course, that means making at least one of each item so I can take new pictures. I was very busy all summer, fall and almost overwhelmed during the Christmas season. Which means the ingredients for my toys ran out and I found new ones to replace them. Fortunately, all the little helpers, mostly elves, came to my rescue and worked alongside me! But now I have different flowers for the flower fairies and my old pictures are obsolete. Here are a few of the updated fairies and puppets so far.

Fairies and Little sisters galore!!!!

Above are just a few of my fairies on the left. They are 5 to 6 inches tall. On the right is a grouping of little sister fairies that are only 4 inches tall and so cute!! Each fairy is made to order, with color of fairy and skin tone of your variation choice. The flowers coordinate with the hair and body covering. Color choices vary as I purchase new flowers and run out of old ones but every one is very pretty and made with care.

And now there are also tiny fairies with their own matching house. Look how small these fairies are – 2 1/2 inches tall. Sorry about the upside down picture. I can’t get it to come out right side up. Still, it shows the small size!

While we socially distance…

I know how hard it can be to have children home all day, bored, underfoot, and needing constant attention. But we need to keep ourselves safe and safety is always first. That includes socially distancing ourselves from others. So, I’m trying to update my online store with all the items I have at the Cooperstown Farmer’s Market while I can’t be there in person. Keep checking it out so you can order new toys and puppets for your children as you need to give them new toys to change things up. My toys are always intended to help with imaginative play which children truly enjoy on their own, or as a parent or babysitter watch. Imaginative play is important to children as they work out things that are affecting them. Don’t be alarmed if you children start playing games that have sickness as a part of the game. They are hearing things about COVID-19 and so this issue is on their minds. Give them the tools to play out the games (issues) they need to express.

Here are some new items in my store or coming online in the next few days. I will be adding many more items and will give you a view here over the next days and weeks.

Deer and Moose mouth puppets. The antlers are wired!
Flower Fairies come in many colors.
Super Bendy Boys!!! All colors of your favorite super heroes are available

Bring on the Fur

Coming to my store soon are these hairy monsters. They are actually very cute and not at all scary. These are moving-mouth puppets; easy to use by both child and adult. Rainbow is my favorite, having hair so long it swings like a flapper dress when twisting. Ralph, the blue puppet and Roberta, the pink puppet are best of buddies with Rainbow. All three would make a nice puppet show of the most goofy, happy, silly kind. They love to sing!

Roberta, Rainbow and Ralph – furry mouth puppets

Puppets for France

Some of my puppets have arrived in France and some are on their way!! Lucky puppets.

The Water Elf, the Fire Elf and the Air Elf have arrived in France

Puppeteer Nicolas Bernard is busy performing in France. Check out his Facebook page (Niko et ses puppets). See what puppets are getting ready for the trip below. There is a fairy, an elf, a gnome, a wizard and twin witches. More to come!

Fairy with lights in wings
The naughty and nice witch sisters are all packed and ready for France